Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 の Developer サブスクリプション更新

Red Hat Developer サブスクリプションの更新【Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64】

RHEL の Developer サブスクリプションが切れていたので、更新のメモ。
今回はホスト名変えたからなのか、 SSL 証明書のエラーも発生中。

[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager status
Unknown server reply (HTTP error code 400: Bad Request):
<head><title>400 The SSL certificate error</title></head><13>
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center><13>
<center>The SSL certificate error</center><13>

RHEL のサポート情報より、プロファイルの ID 再生成を実施(詳細は参考URL)

[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager identity --regenerate --force
Username: ********
Password: ********
Identity certificate has been regenerated.

[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager status
   System Status Details
Overall Status: Invalid

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64:
- Not supported by a valid subscription.

System Purpose Status: Not Specified

利用可能なサブスクリプションを確認し、適用する。(継続のため Pool 指定せず、自動適用でOK)

[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager list --available
    Available Subscriptions
Subscription Name:   Red Hat Developer Subscription for Individuals
Provides:            Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64

SKU:                 ******
Pool ID:             ********************************
Provides Management: No
Available:           16
Suggested:           1
Service Type:
Roles:               RHEL Server
                     RHEl Workstation
Service Level:       Self-Support
Usage:               Development/Test
Subscription Type:   Standard
Starts:              05/19/2024
Ends:                05/19/2025
Entitlement Type:    Physical
[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager attach --auto
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64
Status:       Subscribed

[root@rhel-m01 ~]# subscription-manager status
   System Status Details
Overall Status: Current

System Purpose Status: Not Specified

Subscription-manager command fails with “NetworkException: Network error code: 400”
RedHat Enterprise Linuxのサブスクリプション期限切れ対応